Word Search For Warriors, Volume 1

Authors For A Cause #1
November 21, 2017
Available in: Trade Size

Word Search For Warriors, Volume 1

Like word searches? Like supporting a charity? These heroes are worth searching for!

Forty-eight authors, with help from Lucky 13 Book Reviews & News and Pink Ink Designs, have come together to support Healing Heroes Michigan (HHM), a non-profit charity that trains rescue dogs to become service/assistance animals. The number of veterans returning from combat with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is staggering. An average of 22 veterans commit suicide every day, a number that is heartbreaking and unacceptable.

HHM is helping to give the veterans their lives back and by purchasing this book you’re helping too. 100% of the royalties go directly to HHM. Qualifying dogs are paired with their human counterparts and become constant companions. The freedom to participate in activities they’d been avoiding is something each veteran treasures, knowing if they do have a PTSD episode, their canine companion will provide comfort and protect them from inadvertently hurting themselves.

Thank you for supporting this great cause! We hope you enjoy Word Search For Warriors and also find some fabulous new authors and their books.

***Intended for adults only. Unsuitable for children.

Participating Authors: Amber Addison; Amber Lacie; Anna Brooks; Ashley Lyn; Betty Shreffler; Carey Decevito; Casey Fry; Cassy Roop; Danielle Pearl; D.D. Lorenzo; Elin Barnes; F.G. Adams; J.B. Havens; Jami Davenport; Jane Anthony; Jessika Klide; Joanne Dannon; Katharina LeBoeuf; K.L. Shandwick; K.L. Montgomery; K.L. Myers; Kristen Hope Mazzola; Lexi C. Foss; Lisa B. Kamps; Lydia Michaels; M.A. Stone; Maria Vickers; Mary A. Nason; Mignon Mykel; Nicole Richard; Paige Tyler Phoebe Alexander; Robbie Cox; Roxy Sinclaire Samantha A. Cole; Sarah Grimm; Sarah King; Sharon Kay; Susan Renee; Susan Stoker; Sylvie Stewart; Tarina Deaton; Tawdra Kandle; Terri E. Laine; Tracey Pedersen; Tricia Andersen; V.A. Dodd
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