Going, Going, Gone

Bid On Love Novella #2
June 4, 2018
Indie Published
Available in: e-Book, Trade Size

Going, Going, Gone

Local newspaper reporter, Nadine Marx, has been put in charge of this year’s charity fundraiser. The Bid on Love Bachelor Auction gives bidders the chance to spend the weekend with some of the hottest, single guys around. Which lucky women will win the date of their dreams? Or will some of these dates become a nightmare?

Vanessa Adams is trying to save a piece of history, a farm she’s convinced was once part of the Underground Railroad, but lack of proof and property developer Dylan McBride stand in her way. After he dodges her attempts to meet with him, she’s forced to take things a step further. A date with him is being auctioned off at a charity event, and she refuses to let the opportunity slip through her fingers.

Dylan doesn’t want to be sold like a slab of meat. He especially doesn’t want to be stuck on a date with a woman who was desperate enough to “buy” him. When his plan to get out of it goes awry, he doesn’t think things could get any worse. He was wrong.

Thousands of feet up in the air . . . might not be the best place to be when sparks fly.

The Bid on Love series unites the talents of eight romance authors to bring you stories that will leave you breathless and begging for more!

Book 1: Souled by KL Shandwick
Book 2: Going, Going Gone by Samantha A. Cole
Book 3: Joker by M.A. Stone
Book 4: A Chance at L.O.V.E. by KL Myers
Book 5: For Her Amusement by Heather Anne
Book 6: Stab at Love by Kristine Mason
Book 7: Bidding on the Bodyguard by Kristi Avalon
Book 8: Afraid of Love by Annelise Reynolds